This is an Original Model Olympus Pen, considered by some to be a masterpiece by designer Yoshihisa Maitani. This camera is a 35mm, half frame camera, so it takes 2 shots for every normal frame, instead of 36 shots you get 72. Entirely analog, no battery to muck with just a completely manual lens and shutter controlled by simple clockwork. Each decision left to you to compose the image you want. It really is amazing how well built things used to be, Taking this thing apart to clean and inspect, it just blows my mind how well a consumer grade product was once made, the last thing in my lifetime that I remember being built this bombproof was the Nokia brickphone.
Upon this camera I engraved two meandering lines, the metal is some brass or bronze that has been plated with a tin or something silver, which give it an interesting glisten when the light hits it right.
The Photos were all taken by this camera, on Kentmere ISO 100 film developed in Df96 for 4 minutes, DSLR Scanned, and digitally edited.
I am going to continue to use this till it sells, it's a joy to shoot with.
This Camera was made in the early 60s, and I am not a professional camera technician. So far the camera has shot great photos for me besides a few "happy little accidents" that are the nature of shooting on something this old and analog. If possible though I would recommend finding a real camera tech, and having this camera CLAed (cleaned, Lubricated, and adjusted) professionally.
If you are considering purchasing this camera, check out this guys youtube video about it, this is a good comprehensive video about the camera its history, capabilities, and limitations.